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77% students convinced by the best offer in the region
17 programmes led by lecturers-practitioners
100% focus on practical skills useful in future work
17 years of experience in teaching medical staff

Discover the Kazimiera Milanowska College of Education and Therapy


The Kazimiera Milanowska College of Education and Therapy continuously improves the quality of education thanks to the engagement of professional teaching staff. A priority is to expand the education offer in accordance with the demands of society and labour market. The College popularizes specialist knowledge locally and within broader audience.


Teaching Physiotherapy, Cosmetology and Dental Technology students focuses mainly on practical aspects of the professions. That is why the College of Education and Therapy has well equipped massage, physical therapy, cosmetology, and prosthetic labs at its disposal. Our lecturers are mainly practitioners that, besides teaching, work as physicians, physiotherapists, cosmetologists, and prosthodontist.


The College focuses on the development of students and graduates and promotes the offers of continuing education — learning throughout life. Every year, the College prepares a new offer of one-year postgraduate studies and extends the offer of trainings and workshops on an ongoing basis. The college organises specialist trainings and workshops for physiotherapists, cosmetologists, massage therapists, beauticians and other professionals interested in acquiring new knowledge and skills.

See a video about our College WSEiT

Get to know our College. See a video.

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